Railroad & Co.™ can be ordered directly from Freiwald Software, online on the Internet or from one of the distributors listed below.


CDF Marcel Thomas
15 rue Jean Moulin
92400 Courbevoie

Pavel Kozojed - ITVLAKY
Jiraskova 82
763 16 Frystak
Czech Republic

Marathon Model Brno
Obranska 10
CZ 614 00 Brno
Czech Republic

S.C. Trains Addicted S.R.L.
400276 Str. Burebista nr. 12-14
Cluj Napoca

Vasútmodell Centrum Kft
1113 Budapest
Nagyszolos u. 9.

Vlaky Zezulka
Zdenek Zezulka
Belec nad Orlicí 115
503 46 Trebechovice pod Orebem
Czech Republic